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If I tell you I love you, you’ll think I’m lying. But I’d rather tell you I love you and let you think I’m lying than say I don’t love you and know for sure that I’m lying.

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Jesus highly recommends BEER everyday
B – ible reading
E – ffective prayer
E – vangelism
R – epentance

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God doesn’t answer prayers at the snap of our fingers. But remember God’s delays are not God’s denial. His timing is always perfect. Don’t forget to thank Him today.

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Life is a battle. Prepare yourself. Wear the helmet of SALVATION, carry the shield of FAITH, use the sword of GOD’S WORD.

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I had a dream and it was about you. I smiled and recalled memories we had then. I noticed a tear fell from my eyes. You know why? Cause in my dreams, you kissed me and said goodbye.

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The tears shed over the heartbreaks are the words left unsaid and deeds left undone.

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Friends are gifts wrapped in ribbons of thoughtfulness trimmed with kisses and smiles. Given to us by God to stay not just for a season but for a lifetime.

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True friends never leave each other. True friends never part. They just sometimes sit silently deep within each other’s heart.